Pieces from the Volga-Don Canal service with views of the main canal structures and monumental sculptures (14 pieces)
Pieces from the Volga-Don Canal service with views of the main canal structures and monumental sculptures (14 pieces)
Pieces from the Volga-Don Canal service with views of the main canal structures and monumental sculptures (14 pieces)
Pieces from the Volga-Don Canal service with views of the main canal structures and monumental sculptures (14 pieces)
Sugar-bowl decorated with transfer-printed photo of cosmonaut German Titov (1935–2000)
Cup Transfer Printed with Photograph of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
Cup decorated with transfer-printed photo of cosmonaut (German Titov?)
Cup with portrait of Nikolai Ostrovsky (1904-1936)
Decorative Teapot Dahlias
Dish from a service for Kremlin state receptions
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