Chekhonin, Sergei Vasil’evich
Lomonosov State Porcelain Factory
Cup and Saucer from the Service Horn of Plenty (Chashka i blyudtse iz serviza «Rog izobiliya»)
Ornament designed 1918; this edition, 1937
Cup: 8.9 x 10.5 x 8.3 cm)
Saucer: 2.5 x 17 cm
Мarks: Underside of cup: mark ‘6/7’ in green and ‘Г-Е–34/27’ [G-E–34/27] in grey overglaze. Underside of saucer: mark ‘6/7’ in green
cat. no. 83
Imperial Porcelain Factory (1744–1917)
State Porcelain Factory (1917–1925)
Lomonosov State Porcelain Factory (1925–1993)
Lomonosov Porcelain Factory (1993–2005)
Imperial Porcelain Factory (from 2005 to date)